Search Results - Voce Recognition The Future Of Samsung Will Be Ai, In All Of Their DevicesSamsung expects to have AI features in all o... Samsung Facial Recognition Is On The Rise, Especially In ChinaNorth American facial recognition technology... Recognition Will Facial Recognition Do More Harm Than Good?Your face is what makes you unique. It disti... Recognition Chinese Police Will Expand The Facial Recognition SunglassesChinas police have been testing sunglasses w... Recognition Police In China Using Facial Recognition SunglassesThe facial recognition sunglasses are being ... Sunglasses Ai Can Tell Women From Men Based On The Way They SmileArtificial Intelligence can now tell women f... Research How Can Ai Prevent Blindness For Millions Of PeopleWhen you take a picture of a dog or a cat, G... Learning Apple Is Bringing Back The iPhone Touch IDApple has yet again reinvented a more conven... Touch Here Is How Samsung Brought The Animoji To LifeEmoji icons seem to be experiencing a fast e... Samsung Video: You're In Safe HandsForgot your wallet at home? No problem! Prod... Palm Facebook Uses 1 Billion Public Instagram Photos To Train Their AIIn order to train their new AI systems, Face... Facebook Video: Adobe Is Creating Voice Controlled PhotoshopPhotoshop is a big deal for designers b... Adobe Matrix Labs Lets You Talk To Your Rasberry PiHolding basic conversations with smartphones... Matrix Video: You Can Be Glad Siri Did Not Exist In The 1980's... Here Is WhyThis humorous video was created by the folks... Siri Video: Google's Oddly Fun Whiteboard - The JamboardIn the modern world of working, things have ... Jamboard Video: The Apple Iphone X Unlocks With Facial Recognition!The latest Apple iPhone X unlocks with facia... Iphone Introducing Vector, The Ai-powered Robot Of The FutureDesigned by Redpepper, the AI-powered robot ... Robot Lg's Graphy App Will Help Amateur Photographers!LGs V30 Android smartphones launch date is a... Unlocking 1